We have a big problem in a big hotel.
After a week of working with the hotspot, all people reports the same problem.
The users can login in the portal without problem and use internet ,.
But when the device is not in use, start an special of mode of stand-by situation, and lost the connection to internet.
In the moment you want o use again the device ask a new confirm the login, you can connect again,
and in this moment you begin to receive all the notifications together, whattsap, email, that you haven´t received
during the stand-by situation,
All reports lots of disconnections, in mode stand-by of the connection.
Other situation is the following: Inside the hotel the coverage its excellent, but when go out and start in mode 4G, and suddently it start
to receive all the notifications don´t received.
The hotel don´t want follow with this situation and we disconnect by the moment.
And now without hotspot all it´s perfect, like always, Your device is connected all time during hours, days, without the commented disconnections.
Please, we ask a solution,