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Login Form Rearrange

Posted: 08 Sep 2018, 20:24
by kostas2911
Is there a quick way that i can reorder the login page appearance order on mobile devices?

I would like welcome back module to be on top of social login module.

Re: Login Form Rearrange

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 09:56
by HSNMSupport
Hi kostas2911,

you can arrange the login page by using CSS in your template. But once you have modified something, changes will be applied to all kind of devices.

So, you can't arrange the login page just for mobile devices.

Best Regards.

Re: Login Form Rearrange

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 10:15
by kostas2911
Thnak you.
Can you please provide me a working example of how to reverse order of social login and welcome back?

Re: Login Form Rearrange

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 10:25
by HSNMSupport
Hi kostas2911,

I'm sorry but we don't have any example on doing what you asked.

You just need CSS knowledge. To know fields' name of the login app you can look for them in your browser inspector (F12 button).

Best Regards.

Re: Login Form Rearrange

Posted: 17 Sep 2018, 19:42
by kostas2911
After a lot try and error i did it.
For anyone who maybe interested i post the code.

Code: Select all

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) and (min-width: 1px) { #AppContentRegistration { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } #AppContentRegistrationTexts { order: 1; } #AppContentRegistrationRegister { order: 3; } #AppContentFormsLogin { order: 2; } #AppContentFormsLoginFormLogin { border-radius: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } #AppContentFormsLoginFormTable { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 30px; } }