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Need to Stop users from Sharing WiFi using "Personal Hotspot"

Posted: 26 Sep 2021, 12:56
by arefinadnsl

For the last few days, we are experiencing a problem. We are selling scratch card to customers and customers who purchased scratch card are sharing WiFi with friends using "Personal Hotspot" feature in Android. Please let us know if there is an option to stop this from either HSNM or from Mikrotik.

Thanks in Advance

Re: Need to Stop users from Sharing WiFi using "Personal Hotspot"

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 09:08
by HSNMSupport
Dear Arefin,
the personal Hotspot feature for Android and iPhone, turns your mobile into a mobile router, that pulls the connection from the 3G/4G network and activates a Wifi AP that users can use to surf the web.
This is totally unlinked and not referred to the HSNM, so please give us more details to better understand your request.
Have a nice day.