Looking to top up WiFi plans using mobile wallets?
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Hsnm Support
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Looking to top up WiFi plans using mobile wallets?

by Marisa » 05 Oct 2021, 08:52

Are you selling WiFi plans and services?
Looking for a solution that makes users seamlessly top up their WiFi plans using their mobile credit?

We can help! Contact us to discover how HSNM Hotspot Manager allows you to offer charged WiFi plans and services.

Choose a payment method that suits you
With a choice of payment gateways for modern business, you get the tools to simplify the transaction processes and grow your business. In addition to the most common payment gateways as PayPal, Stripe, 1ForYou, Pesapal, etc., HSNM now also supports EVC Plus via WAAFIPay API the Somalia's first native mobile wallet app launched in Somalia, Etiopia and Djibouti.

"Somalia is a one-of-a-kind example of a country where digital adoption is widespread across all age groups and demographics" said Ahmed Mohammed Yuusuf, Hormuud's CEO and chairman.
In many parts of the world, it can be challenging to access the Internet through wired connections. Cable services are often unavailable, and even if ADSL packages are an option, they're often so slow that they're virtually useless.
Besides to keep a wireless network can be costly, troublemaking, and may take a lot of effort to maintain.

HSNM offers a fully optimised mobile money experience where consumers can use their mobile credit to purchase and top up their WiFi plans.
You will make payments through the splash page easier, more convenient and more guest-friendly.

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