Windows 11: the bug for Captive Portals users
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Windows 11: the bug for Captive Portals users

by Debora » 14 Jun 2022, 15:00

Windows 11 was released on 11 October 2021, the latest version of the Windows operating system.

Unfortunately, the latest operating system version has a significant bug affecting all providers that use a Captive Portal to get guests connected.

Browsers on Windows 11 while using a captive web portal are not popping up, and users are not automatically directed to the page; therefore, they are forced to manually put the address of the Captive Portal on the browser.

The issue is NOT originated from the captive platform, and the problem is closely related to the operating system.

On that point, no definitive solution has been found at the moment, and the issue has been pointed out to Microsoft for a fix.

There is eventually a workaround for Windows 11 guests on Captive Portal sites:
1) They need to type an URL in their chosen browser
2) This will manually bring them up the authentication portal
3) They can perform the authentication using the WiFi portal
4) They should now be online

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