by Matej »
11 May 2018, 11:11
Hi Will and support,
I have many hotspots and a customer of mine had the same request some months ago.
One of the sales members explained me how to obtain what I needed:
I post what I was answered:
“It is very simple, you have to use the card as it was a voucher.
Just see the card as a simple code, you can call it either username or simply code, or WiFi code or whatsoever you like.
1. In the domain, as Authentication Mode, enable “With registration by the user without password”
2. In the domain, when you add a product for the domain, enable the printing of the card
Now, you have just to focus that most of the descriptions of the Welcome Portal can be customized thanks to the translation section, available at all levels. So you can customize the descriptions even only for a specific customer.
So, you have just to change the field “username” into “Code” or whatsoever you prefer for the Welcome Portal and also for the card. You can also change the name "Card" into WiFi ticket, as you like.
In this way, the card or your WiFi ticket will represent and display only the code that users have to digit. Moreover, you can also assign a price and sell it at the kiosk.”
That's a good solution!
I only noticed one point, once I add the product in the domain and I save, I am not able anymore to change the possibility to enable the card printing.
Can you please check it?