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Enable HSNM on Dedicated Server

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 18:12
by jagarcia
Good afternoon,
We are recently Distributors of HSNM, we have raised the system on a dedicated server, now my question is how do we synchronize our customers to our platform?
Currently we have the virtual machine running on VMWARE WORKSTATION 12 PRO, inside the dedicated server.

Re: Enable HSNM on Dedicated Server

Posted: 19 Sep 2017, 16:18
by HSNMSupport
Hi jagarcia,

first of all, did you move the HSNM to a new server or you set up a new virtual machine an turned it on?
Because you can't have two running HSNM with the same GUID. They will both be blocked.

Then, if you change the domain name under your HSNM system settings, to "synchronize" your customer to your Platform all your customers' gateway have to be reconfigured.
