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Survey and auto surf at login

Posted: 18 Feb 2019, 21:05
by kostas2911

I added a survey and select to appear once after x logins,
I also had enabled auto surf at login.

The problem is that survey do come up after x logins but rapidly disappears as auto surf occurs.
Can that be fixed in order auto surf occurs after submit or skip survey?

Also it would be great if there was an editor for Notification to Users email such as Registration Notification email where you could also use variables like %FirstName% , %LastName%

Re: Survey and auto surf at login

Posted: 19 Feb 2019, 10:21
by HSNMSupport
Hi Kostas
I understand your point of view. What I can suggest to you is:

1) set the "Auto-surf at login" field to "YES, in a new TAB" and
2) If you can, disable the CNA inside GW settings
In this way the page with message "Welcome! Now you are connected to the internet and you can surf." will be viewed on a new browser TAB and so on the original TAB you can see the survey.

Regarding the variables to use on notification I've just forwarded you request to our developers.


Best regards

Re: Survey and auto surf at login

Posted: 19 Feb 2019, 19:47
by HSNMSupport
Hi Kostas
On next HSNM version 6.1.48 you can use the variables like %UserName% (Username to access); %FirstName% (the logon user's name); %LastName% (the logon user’s’ last name); %CompanyName% (user’s company name); %RoomOrSite% (room number or pitch); %EMailAddress% (user’s email address) on the subject and body of the survey email notification.

Hope you appreciate

Best regards

Re: Survey and auto surf at login

Posted: 20 Feb 2019, 08:34
by kostas2911
That's great .

Thank you