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solution for LAN separation /Multiple NAts

Posted: 12 Mar 2019, 10:22
by Magenta
<t>Hi HSNM Team<br/>
thank you for your continues support.<br/>
our network facing some speed issue due to having extra users , our network eng. is advising us to make some changes like lan separation and Multiple Nats.<br/>
hoe we can achieve this and in same time keep using central hsnm</t>

Re: solution for LAN separation /Multiple NAts

Posted: 12 Mar 2019, 16:12
by HSNMSupport
Hi Magenta,

what you asked is not related to HSNM configuration. It's based on how you want to manage your network.

So, based on how you would like to configure your network you will configure the Hotspot Gateway.

Best Regards.