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Disk size and dedicated disk for logs

Posted: 24 Apr 2019, 11:09
by rdt112

We have recently installed the light version which has 30GB of disk space. The cloud instance where we have installed it has given us 50GB of disk. Can we increase disk size from 30 to 50GB?

Also we would like to store the logs for 3 years therefore an additional disk will be added to the instance.
How can we do this operation?


Re: Disk size and dedicated disk for logs

Posted: 03 May 2019, 14:43
by HSNMSupport
Hi Arditi
Unfortunatly there isn't any way to increase HSNM virtual machine disk size from 30 to 50 Gbyte; We provide two kind of HSNM: one with a 250 Gbyte HD size and another one with 30 Gbyte HD.

Regarding the other question, HSNM provide the functionality to backup the Users traffic LOGs to an external FTP server so you don't need to add any additional disk on the virtual machine

Best regards