Hi Team,
Google Maps are now charged for and I've had my first bill with sufficient hits to incur a charge.
Source: ATLAS Mapping [atlas-mapping-1536131633203]
Product Resource Type Interval Usage Amount($)
Places API Places - Nearby Search Apr 1 - Apr 30 8153 Counts 260.90
Places API Atmosphere Data Apr 1 - Apr 30 8281 Counts 41.41
Places API Contact Data Apr 1 - Apr 30 8281 Counts 24.85
Maps API Dynamic Maps Apr 1 - Apr 30 831 Counts 5.82
Places API Places Details Apr 1 - Apr 30 128 Counts 2.18
Credit Maps Free Tier Apr 1 - Apr 20 -200.00
Total of $155 USD
At this point we have maps on, but may turn it off as we don't really generate too much relevant information without the ability to customise and filters and views.. however.. that's not my question.
My question is, can we get any analytics within HSNM to co-relate to the numbers given to us by Google, it would be good to know which sites had lots of map hits and understand their useage in more detail. $155 USD to display a few things is not great.. Also, I wonder if the mapping within the hotspot could also be Open Street Map...
I'd be interested to know what other people are doing with maps!?