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Televisions not working on version 6.1.72

Posted: 22 Jun 2019, 17:03
by johanjpk

In other post I mentioned this before. Televisions not working on version 6.1.72. Again I upgraded from 6.1.57 to 6.1.72 (before to 6.1.71). And televisions have problems to log in. This TV is a Sony Bravia 43W75xC.
The guest discribed the problem as follows:
I get the portel screen, but I can't click on the login button. Even worse my remote control doesn't respond anymore.
To me it sounds like there is a script introduced between 6.1.57 and 6.1.71 where the TV chokes on.

Best regards,


Re: Televisions not working on version 6.1.72

Posted: 24 Jun 2019, 15:45
by HSNMSupport
Hi Johan,

what does "I can't click on the login button" mean? Does it mean that the user doesn't see the button? Does it mean that it click on it but nothing happens?

Furthermore, I'm not able to try to simulate the problem because I don't have any smart tv at my disposal.

Best Regards.

Re: Televisions not working on version 6.1.72

Posted: 26 Jun 2019, 15:13
by johanjpk
It means the cursor cannot move to the button, it seems the tv freezes.
I've upgraded a few locations to 6.1.72 from .57 and all of them have weird problems not only tv's.

Re: Televisions not working on version 6.1.72

Posted: 26 Jun 2019, 15:42
by HSNMSupport
Hi Johan,

and users that are not using a smart tv what kind of weird problem are they facing?

About smart tv, I'm not able to do any test.

Best Regards.