General questions and topics about hsnm

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by dpaz » 19 Mar 2024, 10:57

I have several questions about how the PMS integration with HSNM works.

For example, when creating a user, I understand that the system would be the following:
- Client registers in the PMS, enters their data and we use, for example, email as username and room as password.
- Then, the HSNM attacks the PMS and obtains this data and creates the users in its database.

This is correct?

Another question, is it possible to associate dynamic connectivity time profiles?

For example, the client stays 9 days and is assigned a profile of 9 days of connection.
Do I have to have connectivity profiles for each combination of days?

We currently have an HSNM Printer and we make tickets to log in.
Can login with PMS and login with printer vouchers work simultaneously?


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by HSNMSupport » 19 Mar 2024, 11:36

Hi dpaz,
in the case of HSNM-PMS integration (e.g. via FIAS protocol) it is the PMS that calls HSNM e.g. at customer check-in.

A user in the hsnm will always have only one associated product.
You can create several of them in advance and assign them to the user by means of a marker, which can be manual or called up via API.

You can use users created via PMS-API and Cards (pre-created users with an associated product) or Vouchers (prepaid payment method) in the same domain.


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by dpaz » 21 Mar 2024, 14:12

Thank's for your answer. I have more questions:

- As the system is multi-device, several devices will be validated with a single email. Correct?
- Now there we have tickets for 1 hour, 7 days and 14 days. In the integration, the HSNM validates the entry and exit date? creates the ticket with those days, we will not have to create 1d, 2d, 3d tickets, etc. etc correct?
- I have a question about how it works once the integration is done. We want to give tickets for those users who are not customers or if we sell tickets to owners.

As directed by the API developer, the client insists that he would like the HSNM to connect against the PMS API. Doesn't this possibility exist?

Posts: 1555
Joined: 26 Jul 2016, 09:16


by HSNMSupport » 21 Mar 2024, 15:24

- Yes you can allow multi device connections with the same credential
- With API / PMS integration you can choose which product to assign to the final user.
- With PMS integration you can auto-create a user inside the HSNM and use e.g. the Room number as username and last name as password so you don't need to give the user a password.
In addiction to this, you can create cards in the domain to give to user not registering via PMS.

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