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How to run ovftool from HSNM Appliance

Posted: 04 Jun 2020, 10:20
by azhar
Hello Support,

We have HSNM Appliance Hardware, so we have only access to Web based portal, there is no console. Also, there is no way to download "ovftool " from AWS web site and run that.
Now we would like backup whole HSNM, how we can run ovftool from Web portal of Appliance?

Best Regards,


Re: How to run ovftool from HSNM Appliance

Posted: 04 Jun 2020, 10:25
by HSNMSupport
Hi Azhar,
you cannot. OVF tool is a VMware tool that converts vmx virtual machines into OVA/OVF open format so you can import it into another compatible HyperVisor.
As already answered you by email, it is not possible to convert a Hardware license into a Virtual one.
Please get in touch with our sales department so you can find a solution that fits to you.
Have a nice day.