Users can't go recharge option with low end Smart phone.
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Users can't go recharge option with low end Smart phone.

by azhar » 24 Jun 2020, 11:39

Dear Support,

Our end users with high configuration can login and recharge without any problem. But some of users with low configuration (say Samsung s7 with 2GB RAM) can't go recharge option. Is there any limitation of Mobile Phone configuration to use HSNM?

Do you suggest, By changing this value in mikrotik, Is it possible to resolve low end mobile user registration or recharge link response problem?

Thanks and best regards,


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Re: Users can't go recharge option with low end Smart phone.

by HSNMSupport » 24 Jun 2020, 14:13

Dear Ahzar,
HSNM only provides Authentication, Accounting, and profiling for hotspot users.
Other aspects are not in charge of HSNM.
There aren't problems connect even with an old version of Android.
Have a nice day.

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