We tried to update to version 9.1.106 (Stable) but we had to rollback to 9.0.185 Stable (snapshot) because all the gateways with spaces on it's names could authenticate users (got a rejecte from radius). Gateways with no spaces were working fine.
We figured the problem was the space on the name because one of the fixes we tried to apply is to download again the configuration files and reupload, during the process we modified some WAN parameter and upon saving the changes the system displayed an error about the spaces on the gateway name.
Also, while trying to update the scripts (with the gateway name without spaces) we discovered that all the scripts contains "\r\n" on places where a Mikrotik gateway doesn't want them, we have tested with v6 RouterOS, v7 is not production ready.
Anyone else with this problem?
If we have gateways with spaces on their names whats should be the upgrade process?