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Facebook Authorizzazion "user_friends"

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 10:35
by toplan
We have a problem with the APP of Facebook.
HSNM requires the use of the "user_friends" but the request has not been accepted (as can be seen from the attached images).

Is "user_friends" essential for the proper functioning of HSNM?
If yes, how can we explain his function to be approved to facebbok?

To retain access to the Facebook Platform APIs, submission of the analysis app is required by the following date: August 1, 2018

Re: Facebook Authorizzazion "user_friends"

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 12:28
by HSNMSupport1
Hi Toplan,

Please be advised that "user_friends" is not essential for the functioning of HSNM.

Best Regards,

Re: Facebook Authorizzazion "user_friends"

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 12:48
by toplan
So what is your advice?
How should we proceed so as not to lose the control after August 1st?

Re: Facebook Authorizzazion "user_friends"

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 16:08
by HSNMSupport1
Hi Toplan,

Our advice is to leave everything as it is.

Best Regards,