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Integrating with External Procedures - getdomaindata

Posted: 08 Aug 2018, 11:21
by jnsilver
Hi there,
I would ask if there is something like this "getdomaindata" to get the data of the gateways? We need it for the creation of location lists.
I have seen the "Receiving GPS Coordinates from Devices or External Procedures" and "Displaying the HotSpot Map on External Page" but that gives no list of the gateway address and coordinates.

Re: Integrating with External Procedures - getdomaindata

Posted: 08 Aug 2018, 11:51
by HSNMSupport
Hi Jens
Starting from 5.0.184 there is the API called "getgatewaydata".

Version 5.0.184
1) New Added the new getgatewaydata end point API allowing reading the data of a gateway given its ID.

Best regards