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Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 12:22
by Gerard
We have enabled the Instagram login but when I extract the data I cannot see any information from this user (event it does not exists a field to indefiy if the user has self registered or used social login via Instagram) is this behaviour intended? When someone logs using Facebook/Twitter/... you can see its username in its correspondent column.

Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 15:12
by HSNMSupport
Hi Gerard,

when you extract registered user's list you can find the column called "ExternalAuthType" with the value refered to the type of social network (value equal to 5 means Instagram) and a column called "ExternalAuthUserName" with the social user name.

You can see same data by editing the user from HSNM (see attached image).

Best Regards.

Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 17:50
by Gerard
We are using 5.0.188, is this a v6 only feature? We are waiting for a v6 Stable release.

Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 11:23
by HSNMSupport
Hi Gerard,

yes, it's only for version 6.

In version 5, when you extract users' data, not all the social login data are available.
I've just talked with developers and they told me that they are going to add others columns related to the missing social networks.

So, in the next HSNM version 5 update, extracting users' data you will find instagram data too.

Best Regards.

Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 13:10
by Gerard
Ara those fields available using the API?
Can we retrieve older data or those field will be only available (with data) since the update?


Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 14:08
by HSNMSupport
Hi Gerard,

yes, they are. You can retrive those data using the getuserdata API endpoint.

You can retrive older data too. Because data are available but not shown, until now, in the export.

Best Regards.

Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 17:34
by Gerard
I think something is wrong:

This is the json object I've got:

Code: Select all

"HsDomainsDataID":"47","HsUsersID":"352242","UserName":"00412461@blabla","Password":"131434","CompanyName":"","FirstName":"Test", "LastName":"Test","FiscalCode":"","EMailAddress":"","EMailAddressValidated":"0","Phone":"","MobilePhone":"","Address":"","City":"","State":"", "Zip":"","Country":"CA","Gender":"","CreationDate":"2018-09-01 12:05:02","RoomOrSite":"207","Language":"en","AcceptMkt":"1","AcceptPrivacyPolicy":"0","SubscribeNewsletters":"0","SMSConfirmed":"0", "YearOfBirth":"","FacebookUserName":null,"TwitterUserName":null,"GoogleUserName":null,"LinkedinUserName":null,"InstagramUserName":null, "AmazonUserName":null,"VKontakteUserName":null,"CustomOAuth1UserName":null,"LDAPUserName":null,"Longitude":null,"Latitude":null, "IPAddress":null,"PPPoEIPAddress":"","RetailerCompanyName":"blabla","Locked":"0","ManagerCompanyName":"HCC Hotels","DomainName":"blabla","ExpirationDate":"2018-09-05 00:00:00","Expired":"1", "ProductDescription":"HCC Internet - 6Mb","HsProductID":"77","ProductERPCode":null,"SellPrice":"0", "LastTransactionDate":"2018-09-01 12:05:02","ERPCode":" "
Instead of two columns (or fields) with the social netowork and another with it's username I get one column (or field) for each kind of social network.
Acording to the Adminsitration Manual the fields should be "socialtype" and "socialnetworkusername".

Remember, I'm using the lates stable v5 version.

Please, look into it.

Re: Instagram field missing when user data is exported

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 18:01
by HSNMSupport

the two columns "socialtype" and "socialnetworkusername" are only for HSNM version 6. Instead, for HSNM version 5, there are a column for each social network.

Best Regards.