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Export data

Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 13:52
by dpavatel
Dear Support team,

Our system has 1 reseller with 4 GW. When we do one export data of "Export of Sales to Users " we can't see the GW ID and we assume that is for all GW are in the same reseller. Can we export the printer ID in this file to see the GW to which it belongs? We want to add the printer ID field to this file.


Re: Export data

Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 15:51
by HSNMSupport
Hi dpavatel,

you have HSNM version 6. Don't you?

If you look at the excel export file you can see that one of the column is "Gateway Name". So you are able to see which gateways the payments belong to.

Best Regards.

Re: Export data

Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 16:07
by dpavatel
Acctually we have: 5.0.189
But in the exported file we can see one colum with the field: GatewayID, but after download the file the field always is empty.

Re: Export data

Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 16:57
by HSNMSupport
Hi dpavatel,

GatewayID column is not related to the HSNM Gateways. It's only related to the Payment Gateway ID generated by the payment itself.
Every payment system has its own kind of ID.

And I'm sorry but it's not possible to change the name of that column.

As I wrote you before, what you can do is refer to the GatewayName column.

Best Regards.

Re: Export data

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 16:08
by dpavatel
I think it is not possible but. Could be possible to see int the exported file the printer ID which created the user? or add to this file the field printer ID?

Re: Export data

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 16:22
by HSNMSupport
Hi dpavatel,

Currently it's not possible. But I forwarded your request to developers.

Best Regards.