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Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 13:59
by rdt112
Hello support,
We have a free product of 15 minutes and people are taking advantage of it. We have selected under device recognition the option to disable multiple registrations but people are still registering multiple times.
Can we solve this?
Thank you.
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 05 Aug 2019, 11:49
by HSNMSupport
Hi Arditi,
The option "disable multiple registration" only avoid the possibility to the user to register again from the same device. But it can register again using a different device.
How can you be sure about the fact that users are registering more than one time?
Anyway I need you to provide further information in order to be able to provide you support.
Best Regards.
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 20:21
by rdt112
I am sure of it because when i export the users from tools managing data i can see that 1 MAC address is associated to more than one user. sometimes even more than 40, so people are taking advantage of it.
What details do you need to further investigate this?
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 08 Aug 2019, 09:31
by HSNMSupport
Hi Arditi,
thank you for your response.
Did you enable the "recognize the user based on the device" option under "device recognition" menu?
Best Regards.
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 09 Aug 2019, 19:22
by rdt112
Yes its enabled.
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 09:23
by HSNMSupport
Hi Arditi
Which HSNM version do you have?
Can you provide us more details and information (some screenshots, domains configuration, product configuration etc) in order to reproduce the issue?
I did a lot of test on our lab but I've never been able to reproduce your problem.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 16 Aug 2019, 22:49
by rdt112
Version is 6.1.82.
I can send you and email with credentials to access the system directly and check from there.
Does that work?
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 11:07
by HSNMSupport
I saw your email and we will check.
In the meanwhile I did some test in our lab trying to simulate what you said. But I've never been able to simulate it.
I configured a domain with your same configuration and I was only able to register once.
Best Regards.
Re: Disable multiple registrations
Posted: 21 Aug 2019, 15:35
by HSNMSupport
after many other tests I've been able to simulate the problem.
It was related to the "back" button available during the recharge process. If user clicks on that button the registration page appears again and the user is able to register and getting the free product again.
Developers will fix this within the next week and we will publish a new update.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Best Regards.