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SQL errors

Posted: 06 Apr 2021, 17:40
by infosey

We have found the following errors in the log, we wanted to know why they are caused:

2021-04-06 13:35:38 admin Error! Query error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013) Query: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM HsUsers USE INDEX (HsUsersCreationDate_IDX) INNER JOIN HsDomainsData ON HsDomainsData.HsDomainsDataID = HsUsers.HsDomainsReationDataIDsIDsIDs = 80HsManagesUsers.CreationDataIDsate = 80HsManagesUsers.CreationDataIDsate = 80HsManagersUsers. '2021-03-15' AND HsUsers.CreationDate <'2021-04-18' UNION ALL SELECT COUNT (*) FROM HsUsers USE INDEX (HsUsersCreationDate_IDX) INNER JOIN HsDomainsData ON HsDomainsData.HsDomainsDataID = HsUsersDaomains.HsIDsHomainsManagers.WHsIDsDomainsManagements. AND HsUsers.CreationDate> = '2021-02-10 00:00:00' AND HsUsers.CreationDate <'2021-03-15' (:: dashboards :: functions :: NewUsers :: db-> query)

2021-04-06 13:20:58 IPServer Error! Query error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013) Query: SELECT SUM (Connections) AS Connections, StartDate, SUM (PPPoEConnections) AS PPPoEConnections, SUM (WPAEConnections) AS WPAEConnections, SUM (Visitors) AS Visitors FROM (SELECT SUM ( acctconnections) AS Connections, 0 AS PPPoEConnections, 0 AS WPAEConnections, 0 AS Visitors, CAST (acctstarttime AS DATE) AS StartDate FROM radacct USE INDEX (acctstarttime) INNER JOIN HsDomainsData ON HsDomainsData.HsDomainsDataID (acctstarttime AS DATE) AS StartDate FROM radacct USE INDEX (acctstarttime) INNER JOIN HsDomainsData ON HsDomainsData. ) AND radacct.acctstarttime> = '2021-03-06' AND radacct.acctstarttime <'2021-04-18' AND NOT HsDomainsData.AuthenticationMode IN (5, 15) GROUP BY StartDate UNION ALL SELECT 0 AS Connections, SUM (acctconnections ) AS PPPoEConnections, 0 AS WPAEConnections, 0 AS Visitors, CAST (acctstarttime AS DATE) AS StartDate FROM radacct USE INDEX (acctstarttime) INNER JOIN HsDomainsData ON HsDomainsData.HsDomainsDataID = radacct.HsDomainsDataID WHERE radacct. ataID IN (25) AND radacct.acctstarttime> = '2021-03-06' AND radacct.acctstarttime <'2021-04-18' AND HsDomainsData.AuthenticationMode = 5 GROUP BY StartDate UNION ALL SELECT 0 AS Connections, 0 AS PPPoEConnections, SUM (acctconnections) AS WPAEConnections, 0 AS Visitors, CAST (acctstarttime AS DATE) AS StartDate FROM radacct USE INDEX (acctstarttime) INNER JOIN HsDomainsData ON HsDomainsData.HsDomainsDataID = radacct.HsDomainsDataID WHERE radactac AND radactactime (25DomainsDacttime AND radactac AND IN 25DomainsDacttime.HsDomainsDataID WHERE radactacdac AND INDomains )Dacttime. = '2021-03-06' AND radacct.acctstarttime <'2021-04-18' AND HsDomainsData.AuthenticationMode = 15 GROUP BY StartDate UNION ALL SELECT 0 AS Connections, 0 AS PPPoEConnections, 0 AS WPAEConnections, SUM (VisitCount) AS Visitors , CAST (HsWPVisitorCounter.CreationDate AS DATE) AS StartDate FROM HsWPVisitorCounter INNER JOIN HsData ON HsData.HsDataID = HsWPVisitorCounter.HsDataID WHERE HsData.HsDomainsVisitorCounter INNER JOIN HsData ON HsData.HsDataID = HsWPVisitorCounter. <'2021-04-18' GROUP BY StartDate) AS SubQry GROUP BY StartDate ORDER BY StartDate (:: dashboards :: functions :: MainChart :: db-> query)

2021-03-25 17:59:45 admin Error! Query error: Unknown column 'HsCurrencyExchange.' in 'field list' (1054) Query: SELECT SUM (HsTransactions.HsRetailersCost * (CASE WHEN HsTransactions.Currency = 'EUR' THEN HsCurrencyExchange.`` / HsCurrencyExchange `EUR` WHEN HsTransactions.Currency = 'USD' THEN HsCurrencyExchange. `/ HsCurrencyExchange` USD` ELSE 1 END)) AS Value FROM HsTransactions INNER JOIN HsCurrencyExchange ON HsCurrencyExchange.HsCurrencyExchangeID = HsTransactions.HsCurrencyExchangeID WHERE TransactionType = 1 OR TransactionType = 2 (:: dashboards :: functions :: ContextDatata = 2 (:: dashboards :: db-> query)

2021-03-25 17:59:45 admin Error! Query error: Unknown column 'HsCurrencyExchange.' in 'field list' (1054) Query: SELECT SUM (HsUsersTransactions.SellPrice * (CASE WHEN HsUsersTransactions.Currency = 'EUR' THEN HsCurrencyExchange.`` / HsCurrencyExchange `EUR` WHEN HsUsersTransactions.Currency = 'USD' THEN HsCurrencyExchange = 'USD' THEN HsCurrencyExchange `/ HsCurrencyExchange `USD` ELSE 1 END)) AS Value FROM HsUsersTransactions INNER JOIN HsCurrencyExchange ON HsCurrencyExchange.HsCurrencyExchangeID = HsUsersTransactions.HsCurExchangeID WHERE HsUsersTransactions :: dashboards :: 21 functions (ContextData-25 functions '' 20 :: db-> queryCachedByCreationDateAllValue :: db-> queryCachedByCreationDateTodayValue :: db-> queryCached :: db-> query)

On the other hand, we are thinking of deploying the new OVA with CentOS8, but seeing the errors in the log we are not sure that it is a good idea.

Do you recommend us to migrate to the new OVA?

Thanks and regards.

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 06 Apr 2021, 17:46
by HSNMSupport
Dear Infosey,
can you please tell us which version are you currently using?
Please try to upgrade to the latest stable (we have fixed several MySQL errors with the latest version).
We encourage you to migrate to the new SubSystem 2.0 to boost performance and for further integration/security reasons.
If you need we can provide you the guide to migrate.
Have a nice day.

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 06 Apr 2021, 18:22
by infosey
Hello again, thanks for your attention. The version we are using is 8.0.261, I think it is the last stable version for this subsystem.

We would appreciate if you provide us manuals or instructions on how to migrate to the new subsystem.


Re: SQL errors

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 16:52
by HSNMSupport
Please write us an email to support so we can attach the guide.
Have a nice day.

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 09 Apr 2021, 10:38
by infosey
Ok, thank you very much.