User login from an app on a smart phone
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User login from an app on a smart phone

by jnsilver » 12 Dec 2017, 17:32

One of our clients wants to use a smart phone app that supports for example the HotspotHelper in iOS. So if the user connects to the WLAN the app takes over the Hotspot login.

Within the app we want to do a login request. How can we achieve this?

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Joined: 26 Jul 2016, 09:16

Re: User login from an app on a smart phone

by HSNMSupport » 13 Dec 2017, 10:31

Hi jnsilver,

what you ask is possible but you should develop an app that does everything that is done by the login app in the HSNM welcome portal.
Login app not only manages login but also products for the users and all the parameters you set in the backend of the HSNM. So it requires a big work.
A suggestion I can give you is to develop an app where you add a browser to visualize the HSNM welcome portal.

Best Regards.

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Re: User login from an app on a smart phone

by Gerard » 08 Feb 2018, 10:03

It would be nice to create an API call with the following parameters:
User / Password / MAC / Domain
That logs the user in the system.

So, create an APP to register and log users would be really easy.

Posts: 1553
Joined: 26 Jul 2016, 09:16

Re: User login from an app on a smart phone

by HSNMSupport » 08 Feb 2018, 15:08

Hi Gerard,

what you suggest it's possible, but not through an API. To be able to log users in without visit welcome portal you have to, as I mentioned in my previous post, develop an App that simulate a surf request and so all the process that happens in order to get an user registered and logged in. The App should manages and forwards data to the Mikrotik Gateway who then start communication with the HSNM (here a Radius client/server exchange happens) which get back matched data to the Gateway. At the end Gateway provides the ok to the user to be able to surf.
During the radius client/server exchange process, not only is performed passage of user credentials but also a chapid and a chapchallenge process is performed (this process is based on how the Gateway works. Note that not only mikrotik works in this way).
It's the Gateway that manages the process with the HSNM. That's why it's not possible to just use an API call to perform something like this.

I hope to have clarified.

Best Regards.

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